Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Naukar 'Devta'

I couldn’t come up with any other apt title to describe the present scenario in India. “Jee Haan..Is desh me, aaj neta se bada naukar hai.” I’m sure all the women reading this can empathize with the familiar situation. Every morning either my mom is being too polite to him or yelling on the phone for his absence. It’s weirder when my family members are sweeter to him than to me. We offer them money, food, security and love and in return enslave them as to do render the services we demand. Not because we can’t do it, but are somehow ashamed and lethargic to do it, everyday. Since years and centuries, we have always had someone to rule upon us. 

We were freed from the rule of Britishers back in the year 1947, but I guess it was merely India in the name of freedom; not every Indian. A country where they tend to show their efforts to shorten the rich-poor gap, why are we still looking for servants? Is it because of the dependency or the fact that we always wish to be above someone. It’s not only the servants but all the people working under us who are still struggling for survival, whose significance we snub. The backward caste people who are employed in sewage department or collecting wastage from every house, beggars on the street who make their livelihood by selling flags or toys, women who clean public toilets just to survive and all the people involved doing such filthy yet crucial work.

Talk about the ferocious fashion you imitate, mouth-watering delicacies that melt your heart, luxurious and cozy lifestyle you crave for, stronger social network, metal music and the Hollywood inspired movie sequels; our country has always been influenced by the West. While welcoming the boons of upcoming modernization, we have faced banes too! Like the severe obesity, relationship issues, drug abuse, increasing crimes being observed in the society, the youth becoming more violent and more to add on. But if we really wish to be like the foreign countries, then why not take a step towards banishing dependency on servants. 

I agree to the fact that the weather conditions of our country and in this dusty atmosphere, it’s really difficult to go a day without cleaning the entire house, utensils, clothes and everything else. But Sooner or later, we’ll have to abandon servants and do the rest by ourselves. The tantrums of the domestic helpers have increased only because of us! We are the ones who pamper them, feed them, pay the wages they demand and resulting; We spoil them. They take advantage of this situation of decreasing laborers and increasing demands. Though now, even they know that merely dusting, cleaning, sweeping and washing wont feed their family. They have moved to other developed sectors, they have switched to better jobs in the need of more money and moreover, Respect.

For now, yes we name them as servants and they have become our necessity. But the future I foresee; either they will be someone lost in the crowd among us or history shall repeat and we shall bow down to nobody else but the sublime Naukar ‘Devta’.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written and expressed about the the role of servants and their increasing importance in today's life.

    Apart from the writing, content wise i would present my views about the same which might be different from it. I would say that isn't it necessary that people who cannot do anything else for their earning can at-least do something for their earning by doing this daily chores. I definitely agree when you say that why are 'they' the only ones who have to do such job. But, people who have had BIG thinking has risen to a great level beyond their imagination. If they have to do such not-so-good considered jobs, it does not mean that they are anything less to what a perfect human being is. But at the same time, i would still consider to increase the pay wages for such jobs which would help them increase their living. And when everyone is out there in market place, no one is either master or servant. It's just the so called 'human' thinking that have made differences in our so-called 'human' minds to make such Class & Caste differences and consider such jobs to be a low-profile job. Its rightly said "Koi KAAM bada ya chhota nahi hota hai".
