Thursday, April 4, 2013

Just someone I knew...

Heartbreaks kill. My love didn’t die, but some part of me did. I dint know but somewhere somehow, I always wanted to be yours. The way I saw you handling your girl, being so concerned, with the warmth and the sparkle in your eyes when you saw her- like every girl dreams.

We had nothing in common, but we still talked for the entire day. We dint know what it was but something was pulling us, closer and closer each day. For days and months that came by, the love we knew only grew but we waited for each other to take the move and confess what our hearts already knew.

Love is a beautiful feeling but it is all the more amazing when all those cute gestures you awe over in movies start happening with you. Those late night conversations over the phone, sharing secrets you could never tell anybody only because of the fear of getting judged and listening to the silence like our souls were talking.

I was weaving a dream of tomorrow, tomorrow of us that could only be a fallacy. It did scare me but I chose to go with the flow. In this bond we shared, I was the crazy one. I had swinging moods you had to bear, I had tantrums you managed to tolerate and you made it possible to handle the impossible me. We had our fights but our relationship seemed worth a million of those.

You were everything. My counsellor, my friend in need, to love every little part of me and to help me find myself back when even I gave up on me. The attachment grew strong, I never knew soon it was time to say goodbye. You always told me it wasn't going to be forever, how could I risk my heart when every night seemed the last night. It’s gone; my day and night with you and your love. And all I have now is memories.

Years have gone and it’s been so long, it all seems so faded since it’s been ages when I saw you last. An expected day with beastly breeze, I could not unnoticed the unusual streets. Something unusual is around; something unexpected is going to happen. Out of all the people buying tickets for the Grand Prom, my eyes could see only you in the crowd. Everything stopped and I went back in rewind and flashback played through my mind. This was the same place when we met for the first time when we had our first coffee at the bar next door.

My heart skips a beat as you right passed me, like a stranger you left; guess you don't remember me. When my daughter shook me up that's when I came back to reality and she silently whispered, 'Mommy, who was he?' With a tear roll down my cheek I lie and gulp my words and pain down my throat; and silently reply, 'just someone I thought I knew.'