Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's preserve Democracy!

With all this hype about elections around, every minister is trying his best trick to woo the public. A new strategy everyday just to gain the highest number of votes but before you caste your precious vote in favour of any of these candidates; take time to think- Do they really deserve it? How often do we get to see them other than the traffic and network jammers when the minister visits the city with his Z level security? Are they really contributing something towards the country or are we being fooled in the name of democracy?

The world calls us the biggest democratic country but only we know how it feels to survive in here. We end up paying taxes for everything we do but we never get the benefit of the money that goes to the government. The police seem to be there only to fine us instead of fighting for our rights. We are free to raise our voice against the government on social networking websites but now; the police force shall take you to jail if you do that. I fear that sooner the freedom of speech shall be banished.

It’s only about money whether you wish to get someone arrested or bailed out. The essential documents for license, passport or any legal identity don’t matter as long as you have the cash required. India is still a Golden bird just that our gold lies in the accounts of Swiss bank.  We may blame corruption for infecting our system but aren’t we the ones to support it? Instead of bribing them, let’s try standing against them. Democracy was meant to serve the people and not enslave them. It’s time to move towards concrete action than mere criticism.

Every few years we have our elections and the sole duty of a citizen is to vote wisely, but whom shall we really support? On one side lies a political party which can be the sole reason to develop our state and on the other lay the candidates defamed by the umpteen scams. Poor citizen of this country who cannot change this rigid system; who would love to settle abroad but stays back because he loves his motherland and is handcuffed by the ugly politics and corruption!

Sitting back and talking about trivial issues has done no good to the society. There is no positive change we see around, there is hardly someone who wishes to join a political party to bring a revolution or a philanthropist who would do something for his fellow beings other than earning millions. We were freed from the British only because of the awakening youth and even today; our country needs thy children to fight all the evils. We are the ones to instigate change and eventually implement it. As the sun rises, it shall be our time to wake up and contribute something to this realm. So make sure you vote to exercise our judicial right or stand for the elections and lead our society towards a modernistic democracy!


  1. The best sentence: India is still the Golden Bird just that the gold lies in the accounts of swiss bank.
    Truly said. Apt piece of work at the perfect time.
    Gujarat this year saw an amazing increase in cast of vote 65-70% voting on an average isn't bad at all !! It is worth appreciating.
    & such articles help in influencing people & their mindset..!
