Sunday, August 12, 2012

An Atheist or a Believer!

A believer shall believe in all religions or solely his own religion, he might pray to God every day and worship him and might consider fasting and sacrifice something sacred. Well, that’s our perception but a believer is simply someone who believes in the creator of this mighty world. He believes that someone is listening to his prayers and shall answer them someday and if things go wrong, eventually they shall fall in place. It’s the faith and hope he has in ‘The Almighty’ that connects our soul to whom we address as God, Allah, Bhagwan or the various names we have given ‘Him’.

So who is an atheist? A person who just does not believe in God or a religion or is it the absenteeism of faith? Why would someone just give up on the creator? Did all his trust disappear, has he been lacking hope, is it his past experiences or is he moving towards skepticism? Some of us may fail to accept various religions, the stories our elders told us about deities and all that has been inscribed in the religious books, but does that mean there is merely no existence of someone above us; who has been watching our move and silently cares without our knowing?

An atheist shall thank himself for his own life while a believer prays to someone above! A believer has someone to make him see the brighter side, someone to pray to and someone to look forward to; someone who motivates him to live life, not just survive. An atheist and a believer stand equal but a believer is motivated to his path. Our Lord is our shepherd to guide us; he is taking care of his herd but what about the sheep that lost their way? An atheist might seem like a lost sheep.

Well, I think Karma decides it all. Your deeds shall only decide your time and if you do something good, you shall get your fruit. Moreover, if we try analysing the lesson every religion teaches, it all sums up to Karma indeed. We do something good and we are rewarded by something better for what goes around comes around and we have to pay for the bad things. To help our fellow human beings- Even our parents taught us to help everyone and then the fact that God is one. He doesn’t fit in one religion, the books or the idols or temples; but a soul that resides in our heart.

It might not necessarily be a deity; we might find hope in our parents, friends, role models, well-wishers or anyone that shall motivate us or show us the right path in the phase of our journey. God is that hope you see in someone and have named it differently, a name you take to thank or blame for your life while our Karma should be held responsible. A believer shall do good deeds in the name of God while an Atheist does it for the sake of humanity. Nobody has proven his existence therefore some of us might take it as a belief.

We might rely on science more than religion but there are many questions that even science can’t answer. For instance, when we say there is no light, it’s not dark but the absence of light. So, the same way when we say we haven’t seen God, doesn’t mean he isn’t there!. Only a hope can make you feel his presence and the absence of hope make you think it’s a myth. The debate between an atheist and a believer can’t be concluded for it’s our own perception and wish that decides his existence for us but the being a believer only gives us a positive hope- a hope of something good and what’s wrong in believing and doing the right thing? You never know, miracles might happen!


  1. Vrry simply defynd !

    Neat ! :)

    Hard to believe dis iz yr tiny myndz output ;)

  2. I agree.. and i also feel its good to have positive hope! and i believe that The people who say they r atheist i don't believe them coz at some point in their life they must have thought about the almighty! - aashka mehta (paachu's sister)
