Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mending the broken bonds!

We befriend, we talk, we share and then get close; so much that we start expecting from each other in every possible way and when those expectations aren’t fulfilled, there comes a crack in the relation. How often do we fight with someone, argue, choose to stand affirm because of our ego and then just because ME becomes stronger than We at that moment; we end up giving it all. For that one little thing that turned out to be offensive, you chose to let go the person than to bend down. There’s just one cure to this- ‘Forgive and Forget’.

An argument however ugly is temporary. Give it sometime and things eventually resolve. What makes it ugly is the silence, ranging from ignoring to completely not talking and then one day; you see each other as strangers. After days and months, you go through those old pictures and every good memory makes you weep. Nostalgia is a good feeling only when accompanied by happy memories.

So the time passes by, we sit back and await the time that the person would come up to you, apologize and things would be back as they were before. But maybe, likewise the person is waiting for you to make a move. Days and months pass and still there’s no hint of a conversation between the two. Well, it doesn’t take long when somebody you know becomes somebody you used to know! Everything changes between the two, from good bonding to mere formality; best friend to acquaintance and even facing each other becomes awkward.

But wait, Rewind! Was the relationship worth every bit of shit you had to undergo to keep it going? If you really think so, it is never too late to mend the broken bond. Accepting your mistakes and even facing the humiliation might seem tough but not for things that are worth keeping lifetime. On the other side, if the person comes back to you; they sure know your importance. It seems hard to forget the past, to move ahead wearing a smile, to adapt to the change and to give it to a new start.

We have the tendency to keep analyzing things and to keep thinking about the past, to regret and to re-visit the memory lane just to know what went wrong then and why it dint work out. But why are we wasting time still thinking about the time that’s never coming back and instead sweep off the mess and start it afresh. Just a word of apology and you never know how many hearts you’ll touch. It might seem hard to bow down and be the first one to be sorry for what happened, but it only means that you value your relation more than your individuality.

Through all the relations I had in my life, I have learnt one thing for sure; the people who want to stay in your life will always find a way. Maybe that’s the secret to those successful long distance relationships, the friends that in spite of every fight manage to stay by each other since kindergarten to the time when you drop your kids at kindergarten. Time doesn’t change anything unless trust and love stays intact and its beautiful how people manage to be together even at this pace of life. It’s not how often you meet, talk or connect; but how much the two of you are willing to make it work. And it doesn’t always have to make sense, because how quickly the people we meet become so close, how much we love them and the bonds we end up making is beyond logic and what words can express.


  1. This is something that I always wanted to write but was always in short of words.
    You've written it so apt & flawless. Truly said.
    Fantastic piece of work.

  2. ur best blog till date..!! it made me go through d memory lanes...!!
