Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So what happened to communication?

We live in a world where everyone is just a Ping away, wishing birthdays means writing on their facebook wall and if you hate something, tweet it! One update and everyone gets to know where you are, what you are up to and everything going on in your life. Friendship seems a request away; relationships just mean changing your status; break-ups and fights happen by blocking each other from every way possible how someone can reach you and one offensive comment, someone’s about to unfriend you!

We have come far ahead in the terms of communication; from the time when only way to talk was when you met someone coincidentally or by choice to distant telephone calls and now, where everyone is glued to each other’s life. Decades back we would have dreamt about it but is this really what we expected? Where is the time where love was expressed by writing those adorable love letters, cute gestures and mushy things you did for each other, when friendship meant to stay by someone’s side till the end no matter what and problems were not updated, but solved? 

On the bright side, we are constantly connected to one other through social networking apps and websites. Communication has become easier and webcam chat via Skype with your family staying miles apart is indeed bliss. These new ways to stay in touch, who would have thought of it then! Technology has been amusing us by coming up with something new every day. Everybody seems a text or phone call away. It hardly takes split seconds to know what’s going on around the world and everything is just a click away. Updating statuses, uploading pictures, sharing videos and links, browsing, sending emails; all thanks to the internet. 

Yes, technology is indeed a blessing but hasn’t it become a hindrance in the mode of communication. Call it the advancement or changing generation, communication has lost its essence today. Those hours we spent talking on the phone have reduced to text messages and nowadays, online messengers. Letters to emails to the casual conversations; it is all so different. Communication has become an irony in itself. In the race of bettering the mode, its meaning is somewhere lost. People are just obsessed with more comments on their photos and statues and just let more people know about their life. Making friends has become so quick that we meet new people every day and slowly forget the old ones.

Likewise, we have forgotten the old ways of interacting. Those awkward moments when you meet someone for the first time, writing letters to each other, unending phone calls and moreover, meeting without thinking of phones. The new technology has surely made it instant but do we need all this? Our phones seem to get smarter than the humans. People updating every little thing they do during the day, pictures of every damn event and it seems like; we just wish to rank ourselves on a higher scale of socialising. But in this pursuit of befriending the world, we are losing the few who meant the world to us. Earlier, old photographs were kept and shared only with the closed ones spending hours with those unforgettable memories and now; click a picture, upload it and spend hours commenting over it. How times have changed!

Every generation has certain ideology, forced beliefs, paradigms and various complaints from the next generation. Things change, time changes and we manage to change with time. We might have adjusted ourselves to this new way of interacting and keeping in touch 24*7, but as they always say; “Old is Gold”. I still crave for the old times to come back which is never going to happen. I would genuinely thank the ancient civilization of letter writing and Alexander Graham Bell for telephones. These mediums might seem clichéd but you gave us the most beautiful ways to communicate which at least our generation can never forget!


  1. Nice kittu .. :-) ;-)

  2. Priyuu... Truly said.. I so love this post <3
    I heartily miss those long telephonic conversations.. where one keeps on playing with the tangled wire :)
    I miss those remembering of land line numbers !!
    I heartily miss those old days.. where there was no obsession for technology and social networking when out of all this there were true friends :'(

  3. @ Vidhi : Awww :) Thank you so much and I'm glad you liked it. This was an attempt to take you back to the memory lane and hey, I'm still a phone call awway fro the umpteen conversations ;)

    1. It did take me back to those lovely primary years of my life :)
      Yes sure :) You've always been there !! <3
