Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life over a cup of coffee :)

I was born with a different spirit, with a different dream in my mind and chose my own bunch of people. I was born not to be like you, but a different Me. I came across different people; some turned out to be good friends ; while some hated my guts and chose to be true enemies; whereas few never took either of the side. They were there, only to suffice me when loneliness killed me. I could never keep someone forever, because whoever came and left; was only a lesson I learnt in life. Your past isn’t always a part of your present; and your present doesn’t always turn out to be your future.

It’s never about me or you, but a problem all of us share. We tend to forgive ourselves for something we did yesterday but refrain to forget what someone said. We fail to accept someone for his individuality and turn out to be judgmental. It’s not our fault, but the society we have been brought up in; that forces us to choose between the odds. We end up criticizing what one does, even if it’s for good. A profession doesn’t make you who you are, but your soul does. We get biased; depending on the colour, caste, creed, nature, economy or even how one reacts in a particular condition!

Why not accept one whoever and however he is, and make this world a beautiful place to live in? Its only when you accept everyone that you shall befriend the world. When we were kids, we never thought who’s who. We just shared chocolates, fought for silly things, loved ice-creams and cherished moments which now have turned into beautiful memories. And that's the reason, childhood always seems better than the life we live- the life which forces you to be a different person in different circumstances, makes you turn into a hypocrite, choosing lie over truth and being diplomatic over an honest critic.

One major reason behind the suicidal cases including students, youngsters or middle-aged people is the peer pressure. You are forced to be someone you are not, to do something above your aptitude and in that on-going process; you tend to give up. But before you take a step down to give up the life you lead; hold on for a minute and think- Did they come up to face what you have been going through, to face every dilemma, fondle every piece of what you got and admire life in all its spirits? It was you who hid the agony and still came home with a smile just to make sure everyone around you are jubilant.

You cannot let someone judge the life you have been living. You cannot let a third person change your opinion or decide whether you’re a sylph or a slut. Everyone makes mistakes and you don’t end up regretting it; but remember what it taught you. You never choose a book by its cover, a story by its title or a person by who he seems to be. Maybe it’s the circumstances that forced you to be who you are or a choice you made to survive in this society. Never let someone let you down, for you own the smile on your face. You own your life and the right to live it the way you wish. And if criticism hinders you from the path you choose, you give them a reason to be critical and somehow envy you for who you are!