Sunday, March 17, 2013

This little gap we share...

“Go away mom, I need some space. Could you please stop bothering me?” “You’re intervening in my privacy!” “I’ll leave this house as soon as I start earning.” We all might get such aggressive thoughts when we get paranoid or frustrated because of our parents, when all they are trying is to protect us. We never believe them when they say the right thing; we think they don’t trust us when they are only scared of the people around us. How these little things meant for our good can build a wall between the kids and their parents is unbelievable!

Our parents were our best friends since the very beginning but even we didn’t realize when newer people came and gradually, the number of people increased and the bond with our parents became harder to uphold. For long, the little gap kept increasing and with the passing years, it became all the more difficult to deal with everything. We might name it the generation gap or the problem with today’s generation; but all we lack is a little bit of understanding on both the sides.

They expect us to wear our best foot forward and to walk the mile with the best people and win as many accolades, everything sprinkled with perfection. Maybe they forgot that even the most successful people make mistakes. We on the other hand with the ‘Devil may care’ attitude wish to live life on our own terms, make as many mistakes and responsibilities are the last thing we could ask for. It’s our age, our time to have fun, live life with high spirits and do every crazy thing we can laugh at when we get old; where did we go wrong?

When it comes to being a rebellion- when I’m restricted to go somewhere or let down by parents for a friendly dinner, I really wish to go back in time and see their teenage version. But then, as much as we want to have fun, this is also the time to make the best of career life. We do wish to earn a butt load of money and get all those expensive brands we can only dream of, but I think even parents should understand that with hard work, we need a pinch of fun too. With the world getting unsafe and the people creepier, yes our parents might get slightly hysterical when it’s about the people accompanying us; but I say- guide us, let us learn our own lessons in spite of getting everything spoon-fed.

This little gap we share with them, the times when understanding each other gets impossible and all you wish to do is walk away, look back to see all the efforts they took to make you who you are today. It might get a little topsy turvy but down the line; they would be the ones standing by you when the whole world is against you.  They would love you despite how ugly your tongue can get or how many times you might have embarrassed them. And for parents, we teenagers might get hard to handle, might say things we never meant to, keep secrets we can’t share at the moment but our love never fades.

It’s time we try to shorten the gap and show our concern towards understanding than mere punishments or alienating. We as your dearest children don’t expect to be permitted to fulfill all our desires; but your controlling us can only make the urge more intense. Your suspicions can only make us more mysterious, try trusting us sometimes. Don’t restrict us; let us relish the fun with you. We might go wrong, lose our way but all we hope for is a little help to find ourselves back. We might have several friends, but in the end of the day; we come home, we come back to you!